Saturday, 14 March 2009

My friend is ill

My friend is ill - really ill - transferred from our local hospital to somewhere more specialist - unable to receive grapes, flowers or visitors - ill.
I'm sad - for her, her family - her son's forgotten birthday - sad.
The sad of not being needed or being able to help too - that feels like the sad for me kind of sad but that is just the tip of the iceberg of exactly how sad I feel.

i haven't felt this sad since I found that I couldn't actually cure Autism - but I was able to really work on that.

I hated proof reading Jess and Caleb's world because that's our thing.
I'm going to be in France next week - much use I'll feel there.
I'd put my faith in doctors if I had any - I hope they're good: well trained and clever - I hope they've been sleeping well and are not overworked.

Hope - that's a word.

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