I've got the next workshop/turorial tomorrow.
There are still seven sections including a one-to-one tutorial to complete before the portfolio of work can be collected and assessed.
This is the place where I'm supposed to say it's a shame my holiday is booked for Friday.
It is NOT a shame. It is busy-busy. ;)
When I'm not working, studying or sleeping I'm re-reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows ready for midnight plus one minute-into-Friday-morning when my roomy, leather chair is waiting for me in my local cinema :D
My schedule is cramped, for the next couple of weeks:
Cinema ends 3:00 am.
Journey to the airport 10:00 am
Flight 2:30 pm
Via Reykjavik
Arriving in New York some-time-later on Friday :D
I've packed running shoes, we are going to be chasing around New York so we can see a fraction of everything on our Gotta-see List.
Late Monday, we fly to San Francisco and jog around there for a few days hoping to see everything we planned into the itinerary glint by.
We are tacking a route along the coast to include Monterey, Big Sur, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach, several more spots before Solvang (Hi, Sherrie,) San Diego, Santa Monica and, of course, Los Angeles.
I'm so excited I've packed, unpacked and re-packed again - packing-lean has never weighed so much;)
I've also packed my writing notebook and some serious-amounts-of reading material but I think this is not the lying about with a sandy novel kind of holiday.
I'll update the blog as much as I can, when I'm away, but chances are I won't make it much further than Twitter and an overexcited Facebook status or two.
Happy holidays to everyone.
Are you counting down to your holiday too?