Tuesday, 9 November 2010

TUUUUNE - Wolf Gang Back to Back Acoustic

London singer-songwriter Wolf Gang is so new he is a mystery to Wikipedia: that is as new as you get. Max McElligott may be guilty of jumping on the band wagon but that's alright by me. 

I came across his song Lions in Cages from the Radio One playlists, it is DJ Dev’s record of the week. ;) I liked the song. But, being a thorough kind of listener I hunted to see what else Wolf had released.

This song is Back to Back. I really like this, an auditory feast:  something about the way the rift and the rhythms combined. I checked Youtube (like you do) and found there is a video for the commercial version of track. But the simple acoustic version here – is amazing. Enjoy, it is quite the tune ;)


  1. I enjoyed this tune...thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Hey Summer - it is well worth sharing :)

  3. Love me some acoustical music. :)

    Thanks for linking my contest over there! xo --->

  4. Hi Ivy
    The writing is going well - literally they typing up the last few days hand written copy and planning the last third of the book - thanks for asking ;)

    Hi Karen
    It is a beautiful version of the Wolf Gang song - check out the other version too, it was the song I loved first. But this is better, very immediate. :)
