Thursday, 18 November 2010


from The Writers' Cabal

Isn’t that a great phrase? I think it is the definition of anyone who writes a novel.
Most writers have to combine many different roles within their close and extended family, in the work place and in the hinterland of existence termed: presence. How do they do all that? Strong belief: in their life choices, and the activity they have chosen to dedicate their time to.
Control: the choices made and the problems encountered are ours to control and to make happen. If your version of complicated is a mess of the-everything-necessary: keep all the ball moving and juggle!
Commitment: for writers success is not the base line, it is the goal. Improvement is the measure by which each day is judged. It is not luck, but tenacity and perseverance, that is necessary to make the commitment worthwhile.
Challenge: Positively relishing the challenges. Writers must see criticism and rejection as a setback and not a catastrophe. The development of skills and reaching out to others, balanced with giving back when others have help you, equals self-improvement.
These are the steps to being self-hardy, to coping with the challenge all writers chose for themselves – the brief version would be :
Think it. Say it. Do it. Be it. 


  1. Just a quick pop in before I hit the bat cave. Wishing you oodles of fun in your writing today. Have a most excellent session.


  2. Hi Ivy
    Good luck navigating your way through the guano :)
    I'm on the late start, maybe 7pm :(
    If I did 7pm to 7 am I'd get to where I want to be - buffing, polishing, driving out the unclean etc

  3. That's what I need to work on - relishing the challenges.

  4. Hi Patti
    Relishing? That's is a shiver up the spine kind of word. I can feel the friction on rubbing my hands together :)

  5. Yes! Such good advice. Writers need this or they won't make it. Especially relishing the challenges. Gotta grab that bull by the horns. So many challenges in this business.

  6. Hi Elaine: Came out from the bat cave to fix lunch for Tim. He popped home and we had a nice breakfast-style lunch.

    I had to google the word, guano. Oh, but what a word. Thankfully, I love the rewriting process. Editing is fantastic fun. No poopies. Just fun work.

    I'm off from the day job so it's time to reheat my tea and get back to the manuscript. Wishing you all fun in the writing process.

    And, while I'm not a NaNo-er, sending extra wishes to those who are working on that challenge.

    -Ivy aka Whisk

  7. Hi Carolina
    Thanks *blushes
    It is all about the challenges and not seeing them as pits to fall into but dips to bridge. :)

    Hi Ivy
    Sounds like delicious fun.
    Have you heard the advice about keeping a book for words you love? Not so much a dictionary as a cornucopia of letters ;)
    I'm speed writing on my two projects rather than proper NaNo. It is great to connect with writers working at a frenetic pace. I'm looking forward to starting for today.

  8. Hey, no I haven't heard that. Glad it's working for you though.

    I'm not a speed writer or a frantic writer, but I am a scheduled writer. I have my hours due each week and I that's what I work toward.

    Done with a scene. Time to get supper started. Hope you ate or eat something yummy today.

  9. Great post. Determination is a must! :)

  10. Hi Margo
    Thank you. Agreed: without determination no one gets past page 49 ;)
