While some characters are passionately fond of their
parents, others find them terribly irritating. But the one thing the characters
in your novels will agree on is that parents don't belong in the home. Not only
do they create unnecessary boundaries, but they're also just plain annoying:
whether that’s the buzz of a caring mother who won’t let the MC out to fight
evil after dark and without their coat or the father who not only shows an
interest in the MC's life beyond the home – they also insist on talking about
the tattoo that has been mysteriously spreading up their arms. Mums, Dads,
Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, they can all cause painful interruptions,
interventions, and unnecessary protection. They can provide the kind of advice
that sorts out problems caused by simple mis-understandings and they’re
champion when it comes to spotting an unsavoury character. It must be all those
misspent years living, reading or watching well-crafted fiction. Even the
common older sibling can be a major contributor toward de-escalating danger,
preventing attacks, or providing additional muscles especially for younger
children [source: Dr I Amreally Protective – Parent & notChild Daring Do
With more than 10 quintillion children in the world of
fiction being subjected to all kind of peril (that's
10,000,000,000,000,000,0000!), parent-proofing the novel can sometimes feel
like a losing battle [source: My Smith’sonlyan Institute]. Fortunately, by
understanding what attracts parental authority figures to your novel, you can
begin making changes that will help get rid of them for good.
Just like characters, parents are only needed if they are
necessary to provide food, water or shelter for your younger MC to survive. By
enabling those young MC to source their own food supply and getting rid of
parent's favourite hiding spots (such as a stable home,) you can reduce the
risk that authority figures will take up residence in your manuscript. Of
course, the best way to prevent over-protection and stifling of your MC’s
internal and external struggle is to keep adults – of a non-antagonistic nature
– out entirely.
To do this, you'll need to tighten up the entry points
parents use to gain access, you can greatly improve your chances of staying
parent free.
Places where parental-type authority figures can often be
· Churches
or other places of religious worship
· Community
meeting halls or rooms
· Schools
· Houses,
of any type, made from any form of building material
Have you considered these possible solutions:
Killing off both parents
Writing them as emotionally
and socially dysfunctional so they appear cold and distant
Ensuring they aren’t around
often enough to be mentioned
Make them absorbed by their
career path and climbing the corporate ladder
Have them wiped out by any
form of predator – animal, vegetable, mineral or any other form of non-human
being not covered by the Linnaean taxonomy of the natural world – including
those who are living, dead or never alive (although, for stress free
classification, I suggest cyborgs could be written across several lists
simultaneously or merely written multiple times)
If things are desperate follow the following advice:
1. Seal the doors
– that will only deter the weak and faint-hearted
2. Add screens
to the windows – this should keep most smaller parents in check
3. Maintain your
garden or yard – cut back the plants they could hide under
4. Repair the
cracks – a determined parent, especially one with non-disclosed paranormal skills,
could gain entry here
5. Pay
particular attention to pipes – sealant and grease would be effective even if
they are capable of multi-form transformations or possess unreasonable strength
and agility
6. Cover large openings – a parent can sneak in
through air vents or chimneys ( don’t scoff it has happened before (source:
Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf – what greater love exists than that
Wolfie would go to such lengths to protect a baby pig from the world beyond his
digestive tract)
7. Don’t invite
them to dinner – admit it, you’re fighting the need to add a Come Dine With Me
8. Store rubbish
properly – a wily parent knows if any child could be bothered to put the trash
out without a reminder, and bring the box back in after, he could hitch a ride
9. Keep
foundations clear – if your structure is wooden or weak, you know an authority figure
will chew their way inside
10. Encourage natural predators – there’s a back
catalogue’s worth of scary monsters between the pages of books. At least one of
them has plans to gorge on your kid-sized MC. How about a parent entrée, right
at the start, so you can show how fiendish your ant-agonist really is?
It’s sad to say, but for the sake of the plot, the real
drama is created when your MC is an orphan even… when they’re not.
My thanks to HowStuffWorks - no bugs were hurt in the making of this post